Ok, so you’ve reached a certain age - 35,40,41,46 (as I’ve learned from your responses, it’s definitely different for every women…) and it’s inevitable that at some point you start paying more attention to ads that talk about “anti-wrinkle” or “covering your grey” or “improving your skin elasticity”.
I’d love to know what the silent agreement among advertisers is – at what age of the female demographic do they suddenly flick the switch from appealing to our youthful vanity to promoting aging “gracefully” or “hiding the signs of aging”? But it’s true, suddenly the “maybe I’m born with it or maybe I’m not” ads have less resonance, and the “noticeably reduces wrinkle” ads capture my attention (albeit briefly. . .)
So, I unabashedly admit I was really looking forward to seeing what happened in the newest defineyourself.ca webisode, because while I have yet to make up my own mind about whether or not I’d have “something done” I am definitely paying more attention these days to television & print ads that talk about the “benefits” of cosmetic enhancements – and it made me realize I don’t even know where I’d begin if I had made the decision
Part of the experience for the defineyourself.ca women was to meet with a highly qualified doctor to find out what happens in a consultation and discuss their options, which you’ll see in this weeks webisode.
If you’ve never considered any of the options out there, it can be overwhelming and intimidating - so a consultation with a reputable doctor is a must…and doing some research in advance is also an absolute must. One of the best sites I’ve come across (it’s a US site) is: www.newbeauty.com an online version of New Beauty Magazine that focuses on cosmetic enhancements – and answers all the questions you probably have been asking yourself - if you’ve considered having any procedure done, and gives you detailed information on products and the actual procedures and the differences and benefits of each.
A good Canadian site is www.restylane.ca, created by our sponsor Medicis. Besides in-depth information on their Restylane product, the Restylane.ca website also has a search tool for Canadian cosmetic physicians across the country.
A little knowledge goes a long way - and just like you research a vacation, or anything else important in your life, if you’re going to take the next step and address the aging you are seeing, you need to have all the tools in hand; research, a good doctor, and the knowledge that they are using the best products on the market.
We’ll meet Robina soon and hear more about her experience and what she decided after her consultation, stay tuned this week!