It’s been fascinating to read all the comments to the blog and see the response to the current poll regarding your attitudes towards aging:
Over 718 of you replied to the poll (to date) - and here’s how it broke out:
26% of you said you wear your wrinkles well
23% said “we maintain our cars don’t we
42% said you were glad you were glad to have options
7% said it’s personal
To be honest, in past conversations with other women it often seems taboo to admit you may want to get something done (fillers, surgery) to slow the aging process and/or make yourself look and feel better along the way.
Whether you privately feel you might want to address aging by undergoing some sort of procedure, most women are reluctant to share this - even with their closest friends. I’ve been really curious as to where that stigma comes from. Is it because women are inherently competitive with one another and we don’t want to see someone look better than we do at the same age? Your poll responses have made me realize that times they are a changin’ (to steal from Bob Dylan ;), and I, for one, am glad for it!
A majority of you are indicating that - whether or not you choose to use them - you are really glad there are options out there.
That’s not to say there is not a clear voice from those of you who feel strongly that aging naturally is what is best for you. Many of the comments we received are from this group; you’ve reached a certain age and are proud of the way you look, dammit!
Wherever you fall on the spectrum, from ‘wearing your wrinkles well’ to being happy to have a choice, what Terri Lessard-Seguin said in her comment is what we should all aim for, no matter our age or how we feel about it: “I embrace the years to come, blessed with health, family, and lots of adventure I have yet to discover!”
Next week you’ll meet another of the women, if you have not already done so, be sure to check out the latest webisode!

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