Women are always coming up to me and asking how I do it. I’ve been stopped in malls, airports, and walking down the street. Women want to know- how can they look and feel their best at ANY age? While there is no secret formula or fountain of youth, every woman can benefit from a little graceful aging advice.
I don’t stop- and when I say this, I mean that I don’t stop living life as I always have. I’m now in my late eighties, and I haven’t stopped my philanthropy, I haven’t stopped working, I haven’t stop traveling the world, I haven’t stopped learning, and most importantly- I haven’t stopped DREAMING. Life does not stop at 40, 50, 60, or even 70.
My determination and perseverance also keeps me strong and young at heart. I never lose sight of the fact I started my company in the 1950’s when it was very unusual for women to be running businesses. As a younger woman, I faced many obstacles that I had to push through. I suffered skin damage to my face and lost a great deal of confidence for a time. But, I had (and still do!) dreams and goals and I pushed through.
As a woman in my vintage years now, I face different obstacles. My philosophy is the same as it was in my younger years- keep following your dreams and maintain a passion for life in every aspect. I have had amazing achievements at an age when most retire. There is a new breed of women coming about and I am a part of it. Today women are living longer, healthier, and happier lives than ever before- and that is why I wish to inspire you with the knowledge that it is never too late to follow your dreams.
For those of you who wish for a few quick simple tips for feeling and looking more youthful, here is my advice:
- Take care of your skin! Moisturize. Follow a skin care regime designed for your skin type.
- Stay out of the sun. Always wear sun block.
- Drink lots of water. I drink at least 8 glasses a day.
- Get your beauty sleep.
- Exercise. I still love to dance and I take the time to do it every day.
Wishing you all to look and feel your best and your greatest success at any age,

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