Hello, and welcome to the defineyourself.ca blog!
Just a little about me, your friendly blog moderator. I’m a recently married, 36 years old, about to have my second child, and definitely notice the signs of aging on my face (not to mention my energy level!) I’m an admitted sceptic, somewhat cynical about most things, but would like to think I am open-minded at the same time (it’s possible to be all those things at the same time, right?!). I’m really looking forward to hearing from all of you, and getting an idea of how Canadian women truly feel about aging.
In some ways this is the best time in my life, and I hope that remains the same over the coming years and decades - are you feeling the same? Join me as we uncover what makes us really excited, hopeful, angry and yes, secretly curious, about aging and all the options out there! Take a look at our first webisode, and then click on “Meet the Women” to learn more about this group of women individually - you may see yourself, or someone you know - in each of them.
Our next webisode launches on May 1st, and I am as interested as the rest of you to learn what happens next on their journey. So be sure to stay tuned and if you’re like me and will never remember a date unless it’s engraved on your wrist, sign up to receive each webisode as they are released! I hope you’ve had a chance to go through the site and look at all the features We are looking to build a community of active participants who can really add a voice to the topics we are covering here, so send us your comments, sign up for the newsletter, send us your videos and let us know how YOU feel!
In our next post we’ll hear from one of the women we are following and learn what brought her to want to participate and what this experience has been like for her so far.

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