Posted by Kelly May, Production Assistant,
The casting process for Define Yourself Season Three was an eye opening experience for me. Being a very opinionated (some might say judgemental) person, I had very set ideas about what I was getting myself into. Specifically, I had pre-conceived notions about the ladies on the opposite ends of the spectrum. I expected our Naturalist to be the stereotypical “crunchy granola, Birkenstock wearing, tree-hugging” woman who shuns anything and everything to do with her physical appearance. At the other end, I expected our High Esthetic to be a self-absorbed, egotistical, narcissistic, high maintenance type, who is plastic from head to toe. I expected to completely disagree with both of them and perhaps even dislike them a little. You see, I am a Practical Maintainer and so are most of my friends, give or take a few who fall on either side of me (Simple is Best or Upkeep for Me). What I didn’t expect was to find both our Naturalist and our High Esthetic to be perfectly lovely people both whom I identify with on different levels. It’s amazing how closed-minded we can be when we choose to stereotype. I guess that is what is all about. Opening our eyes to people who are different than us and understanding their personal choices. you are going to love these women! Stay tuned to meet our cast coming early in September.
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