By Community Member, Cathy Nave
I can’t believe I’m not 20 anymore, my mind sometimes thinks I am, but my body reminds me of my 40 something years of age. I’m not getting any younger, when I look in the mirror the wrinkles around my eyes and the grey roots under my blonde highlights reveal my age. Thank goodness for Miss Clairol. I’m not obsessed with staying young like Suzanne Somers, but I do believe that our health is something we should take seriously and we need to accept our age and love each stage as we get older.
I’m ok with getting older. In fact I look forward to it. I feel comfortable about whom I’ve become and the choices I’ve made in life, I’m no longer consumed with what others think of me. My self worth has actually taken a positive turn and I’m content with the way my life has turned out, except for a few small things. I know friends who aren’t as happy with the way life has treated them, they’re more apprehensive about getting older and believe they need more time to achieve their goals, they’re feeling the pressure that time is running out and they’re doing anything to stay young, which I endorse if it gives them happiness and makes them feel they are somehow turning back the clock if only for a short time.
What is the secret of aging? It has something to do with aligning our mind and body; at least that’s what “they” say. We can be happy by accepting what we have accomplished thus far in our lives and knowing we can’t change the past but can alter our future. And, understanding that our age is not a deterrent to fulfilling our life’s dreams. With our experience and hopefully with some wisdom under our belts, we know exactly how to go about getting what we want out of the rest of our lives.

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